Friday 17 November 2017

A Go-To Person

Do you have a go-to person? Or perhaps, you're the kind of people who even have a few ones? Like, one for advising you with your personal issue, one for your hang-out buddy, one for your drinking buddy, and one for guiding you in your career?

As an introvert, too much interaction with people drains me, hence why I'm extremely careful with whom I actually want to spend time with. I guess this decision has its own pros and cons. Building  & maintaining relationship with the same people over the years resulting in stronger bonds, but the downside is that my circle of friends became really small.

As I grow older, I get to know myself and what I want in life better. I have a better insight in what kind of outcome I expect by interacting with people. Hence, it means that I became less and less flexible with them. Over the years, I have narrowed down my already small circle to an even smaller one, investing more time on those who actually fit all (or majority) of my requirements in human relationship.

When I had a boyfriend, I always thought that him and my best friend were all the people I need in my life. They were my go-to persons. My boyfriend whom I can spend the weekend with and to talk about everything in life, and my best friend whom I can do whatever girlfriends do with (sleepovers, relationship talks, first time drinking alcohol, etc).

Still, life happened and I broke up with my boyfriend. My best friend and I grew busier with our own personal life, and even though we're still close, we don't spend time as much as we did before. I realize, I'm losing my go-to persons.

I start to feel really bad about this situation when I got lost in my thought, thinking that perhaps I should start finding a boyfriend (or at least a date) soon so I can have someone to go to DWP with πŸ˜…  Like, that's the lamest reason of starting a relationship, right? #ForeverAlone

But on a more serious note, I really miss having that go-to person who shares the same interest with me, whom I can go to outings on weekends with, going for some wine on Friday night, going to music event with; all kind of things that are meant to be done with other people and not by yourself. I have no problem going to movies alone but going to DWP alone? Nightmare.

I acknowledged that I have brought this to myself because I didn't bother to invest time in lots of people before, but then, if I knew I wouldn't like spending time with them, then why bother? Yes, I'm a rigid person and I admit that I have issue with "compromising" a.k.a "halfway happy" based on Hopper's explanation to Eleven on Stranger Things, but I don't want halfway happy, I want all the way happy!πŸ˜’

Anyway after all of the rambles above, I guess my point is in this phase of my life, I would really appreciate having a go-to person(s) more than having a boyfriend haha πŸ™ˆ

What do you guys think? Please please please comment down below! Would really love to hear if there is people out there who shares the same thought like me regarding this matter haha.

Thanks for reading my rambles, Loves, talk to you soon!😘

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