Tuesday 15 August 2017

When Love Only Is Not Enough

Image source: Comet movie (2014)
I wish we live in a universe where love is the only reason we fall in love on the first place. I wish we don't need to consider external factors like steady jobs and parents approval (so Asian, I know), or internal factors like our own selfishness, pride, ego, and personal dreams to fall in love. Unfortunately, that is not the case with the love that we know in this society that we live in.

Brushing off the barriers, be it external or internal is not an easy task. Sacrifices will definitely be needed without saying. However, don't lose yourself while you're in the process of sacrificing. Make sure they're worth your sacrifices, or else, you might end up hating them in the long run for all of the sacrifices you've done for them.

I've been a careful lover for a quite a while now. To make sure that certain person worth my sacrifice(s), I have this checklist that I need to tick before I even allow myself to feel attracted to them. I need them to look good on paper. It makes me feel safer because I feel like I'm protecting myself from unnecessary sacrifice.

What's your definition of sacrifices? For me, it means doing things that I'm not willing to do but I do it anyway for other people's needs and/or wants. For me personally, one of the biggest sacrifice people could ever ask from me is for me to throw away my selfishness.

I wonder though, with the right person, will I naturally be able to overcome that trait and actually feel okay about it? And if I feel okay about it, would it still be counted as a sacrifice then? That would be wonderful, wouldn't it, love without sacrifices. Both party will be content and happy.

Despite all of love's complexity, I still wish that one day, I get to meet someone who makes my heart sings instantly:

"He's the one and I'll leave everything behind just to be with him."

Here's to hoping all the best for our journey to constantly look for love in our lives.

Talk to you soon, Loves 😘

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