Thursday 20 April 2017

(Review) Benefit Hervana Blush

Benefit Hervana Blush
What do you think of purplish blush? Yay or nay? I recently got this Benefit Hervana blush from my sister as birthday gift. Look at how pretty the blush is! 4 purplish-pink hues swirled into this nifty Box O' Powder.

The product description as taken from Benefit website:

This Hervana blush is described as "orchid-blossom blush", and you're supposed to swirl all 4 shades to get the lovely purplish-pink shade. 

Let's see the packaging first, since Benefit always put extra thoughts and teeny-tiny details into their products.
The packaging is dominated with this cloud and Halo illustration, with purple and pink as the main colours.
On the front side of the box, there's this cute "Good Karma!" quote printed on it. How cute ♡ I think the theme of this blush is Nirvana kind of vibe hehe.
It comes with a small brush, and the quality of the brush is surprisingly very good. Normally, I wouldn't even bother to use brush that comes with blush, because it's practically trash. The quality and size is normally so ridiculously bad and the bristles are hard and prickly. However, that's not the case with this brush.

The shape is like a square kabuki brush, and it's just the perfect shape to swirl the colors and swipe it seamlessly into my cheeks. The handle has wood-like finishing, but I'm not sure if it's real wood or not. The bristles are ivory white colour, but as you swirl it into the blush, the end of the brush turns pink, creating a beautiful ombré pink-white colour. It feels soft too. Definitely impressed with this brush!
The Blush
There are 4 shades in this blush:
  • Lucky Shell (pale beige with satiny shimmer)
  • Divine Peach (warm apricot-peach with soft golden shimmer)
  • Heavenly Rose (soft rosy peach with a satiny sheen)
  • Berry Delight (blue-based pink-plum with satiny sheen)
It's not a matte blush, but it's not glittery either. It has this sheen into it, but not frosty or chalky. It just gives the right amount of glow onto the skin.

The texture of this blush is smooth but powdery, you can see how powdery it is from the picture above. However, once applied onto cheeks, it's easy to blend and creates subtle purplish-pink shade. I love how it looks like on my skin, I think due to the purple hue, it has brightening effect against my NC15-20 skin. For you with darker skin colour, I'm not sure if you'll like this blush though, but for fair skin, it's a beautiful brightening blush. It has subtle scent of rose mixed with berry, and I'm so in love with the scent!
On my cheeks
This is my second blush from Benefit, but my first full-size one. Previously, I already have their Rockateur blush but in deluxe size, I got it in the Rocktitude kit. It also comes with a brush like the full sized one, but in miniature size, and due to the mini size, it's practically useless hahaha. I will try to utilize it as highlighter brush though. Wish me luck!

To summarize, I recommend this blush for you who's looking for brightening blush. It's pretty rare to find good purplish blush in the market, don't you think? This blush is pricey (IDR450,000/SGD51), but I think it's worth it compared to the quality. 

Thanks for visiting, Loves, talk to you soon 😘

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