Saturday 15 April 2017

(Review) The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA

The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA
Hi guys, here's my individual review for The Ordinary serums that I wrote about in my previous post about The Ordinary as a brand. You can read more about The Ordinary with their missions there.

In this post, I will talk about the Alpha Arbutin serum. In The Ordinary website, they describe this as "A Concentrated Serum with Purified Alpha Arbutin and Hyaluronic Acid"

Taken from The Ordinary Website
I use this serum because Arbutin is a well-known treatment to help fading acne scars and brighten up the skin tone. Arbutin is actually more common to be found in Asian skincare, especially in whitening products. However, it's not really popular in Western skincare. That's why I'm quite surprised when The Ordinary have Arbutin-based product.

One of my main concerns beside active blemishes is the post-acne scars. Since I have fair skin, those brown spots are really noticeable on me 😢  Previously, I have tried Vitamin C-based product since vitamin C is also popular to brighten up the skin. However, my skin doesn't really like Vitamin C since every time I started incorporating it into my skincare products, my skin always have new cystic pimples.

Hence why I wanted to try this Arbutin product from The Ordinary. This serum comes with dropper packaging, and the texture is clear thick gel, similar with the Niacinamide serum.
I use two drops of this every morning & night, before applying eye cream & spot treatment. This spreads easily in my face, and leaving the skin feels bouncy and supple. It doesn't make my face become more oily.

After 2 months incorporating these 4 serums (Niacinamide, Arbutin, Retinoid, & Buffet), I feel my skin becomes bouncier, pores become smaller, acne scars slightly fading, and I almost never get cystic pimples. I occasionally have new active zits, but they're the small kind with white heads, which normally will just disappear in 1-3 days.

I've been using this serum for almost 3 months now, and the 30ml bottle is still half full. It is very affordable too, I purchased mine from Benscrub for IDR249,000.

To conclude, I really recommend this skincare line! I will definitely repurchase once it runs out (which probably will still be in quite some time!)

Thanks for reading, Loves, talk to you soon 😘


  1. Hey! Great review. I'm wondering how you incorporate both the alpha arbutin and the niacinamide in your routine for both AM and PM. Which goes first? Or should I use a different one for AM and another for PM? HELP! I always use my niacinamide from The Ordinary in the morning and in the evening after toners, and I'm very much considering on buying a bottle of the alpha arbutin from The Ordinary soon.

    1. Hi Marc,

      Thanks for your comment :) I use Niacinamide on my AM routine, and Alpha Arbutin on both AM & PM. In AM routine, I usually use Arbutin before Niacinamide since the Arbutin's texture is slightly thinner. The rule of thumb is to apply your thinnest skincare to the thickest.

      You can use both Arbutin & Niacinamide on both AM/PM. The reason why I don't use Niacinamide on my PM routine is because I also use The Ordinary's Retinoid on my PM routine and it is not advisable to mix those two together.

      Hope that helps, have a good day!


  2. Thank you sonso much for the review. I need it so badly since I have considered to buy one. Please let me know how you apply Alpha Arbutin and Retinoid on your PM routine. Also, is it safe to combine those two nightly? I realllyyyy do appreciate your help since I've been fighting also for acne and chicken pox scars that take weeks or even months to disappear.

    1. Hi Carbonara,

      Thanks for visiting and reading! Glad my review is helpful for you :) So far I have no problem combining the Arbutin & Retinoid in my PM skincare. I use the arbutin and then retinoid since the retinoid consistency is more milky.

      Hope your skin gets better soon! I'm also battling with post-acne scars and they take quite some time to fade :\

      - Chikka
